Thursday, July 1, 2010

Today my oldest child is moving into her own apartment. I have mixed feelings about this event-on the one hand, this is what I've groomed her for all her life. To support herself (which she can), care for herself (which she can) and live independently (which she has done well before)
On the OTHER hand....I will miss her terribly. BUT she is not moving out of town and I will still talk to her every day.
This is one of the hard parts of being a Mom......letting go.....what kills me is when I tell other parents this fact (especially older ones) most of them say "OH she WILL be can bank on that"...well frankly I don't care what their stupid children do, I know my perfect child will NEVER be back because she is so wonderful and nothing adverse will EVER happen to her.....(I like my fantasy world--it is airconditioned and perfect!)
She just came upstairs and it is time to go......
I have my Kleenex.....
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