Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Dish Diva in Derby

Try saying that 5 times fast~The Dish Diva will soon (tomorrow) have a home @ Bitterweet in Derby! For those (my 5 followers) of you who've never been there--GO!! It's the cutest shop and has lots of chatzkes (sp?) for your home decor. I have to give props to my beautiful daughter for this score~I met Barb Royce (owner of Bittersweet) @ an antique show last winter, but never connected her with a retail shop. Then, Barb goes in to Beauty First to have expert hair stylist Amy do her hair~~well being my dot, (she just happens to have The Dish Diva sitting out on her station) she starts talking up her Mama :) She also throws in that I am The Cookie Diva and that my cookies are to die I got a cookie order to boot for her open house! And there is a cookie store right next door to her~~SCORE!!!~~

OK let's see who is actually reading this--Followers (yes all 5 of you)--if you can get some of your friends to "follow" the Dish Diva blog, there's a free cookbook in it for you. Have them leave a comment after a post telling me who sent them
The lucky follower with the most friends who join at the end of next week gets a cookbook--signed! LOL

Game on
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  1. I am following do I get a cookbook too? Hee hee

  2. omg... a new place to shop... sounds yummmy. plus maybe a cookbook signed with love and kisses from Nancy..... priceless! Thanks Sarah for sending me this way!

  3. Well, I'm following your blog because you asked me too, not to mention you are hilarious! However, I already have a signed cookbook so I'll just have to recommend the blog to a good friend (Karla!).

  4. I am following the blog because I just found it lol have never done the blog thing, but man I am into that cookbook. and the cookies are to die for. If you are a business owner, or a rep for one of the drug companies, are trying to figure out how to show your employees appreciation or a thank you gift.Order the cookies personalized or not.. Realtors love this for the new buyer of a home cookie basket or boxed with the new address.. the list goes on and on. Jump in there Wichita and support this outstanding Diva !! :) Thank you... Jan Peters Wichita Kansas.
