Friday, July 9, 2010

Recipe Contest

I received an email from Red Velvet Stephanie about a baking contest she is having. I am INTO contests these days. But I'm feeling like the red-headed step child lately--several 2nd and 3rd places, no blue ribbons as of late. The last time I won a contest was the B98FM Super Bowl Appetizer Contest a couple of years back. My competition was Millionaire Pie and Tater Tot Casserole. I pulled one of the judges aside (I know his mother) and told him if my Artichoke Cheesecake didn't win, to please let me know NOW so I could sneak out the back door...I mean really--tater tot casserole??? At a Super Bowl party??? I know those fans were pissed no matter what the outcome of the game was. But I digress.
I think I will enter one of my cheesecakes.
Do you all know I make over 50 different kinds of cheesecake? They are all yummy.
I am now off to peruse my collection.
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