Monday, April 2, 2012

The University of Kansas

Tonight, my beloved Jayhawks are playing for the National Championship. I feel such a strong attachment to that school, sometimes I feel as if no one on the planet could ever love the Jayhawks as much as I do. Then I remember there were thousands of people who graduated before and after me and I relent....a bit. I don't paint my face crimson and blue and believe it or not I have never owned a KU t-shirt (Hey-- they were hokey back in the 70's!), but ask my family, you will travel far and wide to find a more loyal fan. Especially when it comes to KU basketball. Why just the other night Calvin texted Amy telling her we were leaving the bar where we were watching the game, and she said "Why, is Mom getting too rowdy?" LOLOL!
I am a 3rd generation Jayhawk-my grandfather Bob was an SAE (I believe), my mom was a DG and I was a GDI :) (I pledged GPB @ WSU in '80) and when my daughter decided to attend, she became the 4th generation Jayhawk in our family. I have never been so proud of anything in my life.
I will never forget a fall day when I couldn't have been more than 8 or 9 years old, sitting by Potter's Lake with my family (my brother was a Figi) having a picnic and deciding right then and there I would go to college at KU. There was never ever any doubt in my mind I would go anywhere else.
Then in 1978, I packed all my stuff and headed up the highway with my parents and my (then)boyfriend-who btw cried the entire time--I knew that relationship was doomed. I was crying for different reasons. I knew I had always planned on going away, I just didn't know I was going to do it alone. Most of my friends were going to school elsewhere, and I was, for the first time in my life, going to be on my own. I was thrilled and scared beyond belief at the same time--emotions I had never experienced. And I was going to share a room with 3 strangers -shoot-- I'd never even had to really live with siblings!
When I arrived at Corbin Hall, unpacked, settled in and everyone had gone home, I stared out my window at all the girls moving in, wondering if anyone was feeling as lonely as I did. Then, of course, the hustle and bustle of dorm life kicked in and the 4 of us decided we needed to get out of that room and scout out our new surroundings.
For the first time in my life I was Nancy Bell. Not any one's daughter, or sister, or whatever. Not expected to act any certain way, or say the "right" thing, just me. It was a feeling of exhilaration that was new as well. (lot's of 1sts that day!) 
KU saved my life. For reasons only some of you know, I had to get away from Wichita and had it not been for college, who knows what might have happened to me. Lawrence became my home--I "visited" Wichita on breaks, glad to see my family and friends, but always eager to get back. 
I will be forever grateful to KU for helping me find Nancy Bell and for that reason alone, I will always believe I am the biggest fan ever. 
ROCK CHALK JAYHAWK GO KU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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