Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Funky Town

8 days.....
8 Frickin days until I turn 50.....leading up to this (having a September birthday has had it's advantages and disadvantages--more on that in a bit) I have said to my friends who were approaching this milestone "Thirty was hard for me--Forty was great...I don't think fifty is going to bother me at all"....I am such a liar.
I am getting into such a fall funk it isn't even funny! Every fall, I get a little depressed, but I always snap out of it when my birthday is in sight. Or the weather turns cool..maybe that's it--the weather....I want crisp, cool weather to be here NOW--for Chrissakes (a famous Wally Balzrick line) it's September and i can't even bear to put on my regular shoes! These flip flops are getting pretty worn out--although this year I bought them at Walmart as opposed to Old Navy and I have to say the Wally world ones are wearing much better!
Ok back to my funk
The disadvantages of having a September birthday date back to when I was in high school and everyone was turning 18 before me and using their OWN ID"S to get into bars--I had to use a fake one of course until I went to KU--and then I didn't even turn 18 until about 6 weeks into the year! Same thing when I was almost 21....
But the advantages have far outweighed the disadvantages: (and I told everyone this when they were all flaunting their ID's in my face)--"Well, when you turn 30-40-50---I will only be 29-39-49!!" Ha
Like everything I shoot my mouth off about, it is biting me in the ass right now....LOL
I am going out to dinner with some girls (who are all 50 already, except for that bitch Teri...LOL) tonight to celebrate--should be a great time! Maybe this is the kick off I need~~
And I am going to have some cocktails.....shoot I don't have a job to "wake up' to--who cares if I'm a tad hungover???
come to the Candle Club tonight if you're in the area and have a drinkie with me....who knows? Maybe you'll be the one to snap me out of my funk! :)

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