Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Funky Town

8 days.....
8 Frickin days until I turn 50.....leading up to this (having a September birthday has had it's advantages and disadvantages--more on that in a bit) I have said to my friends who were approaching this milestone "Thirty was hard for me--Forty was great...I don't think fifty is going to bother me at all"....I am such a liar.
I am getting into such a fall funk it isn't even funny! Every fall, I get a little depressed, but I always snap out of it when my birthday is in sight. Or the weather turns cool..maybe that's it--the weather....I want crisp, cool weather to be here NOW--for Chrissakes (a famous Wally Balzrick line) it's September and i can't even bear to put on my regular shoes! These flip flops are getting pretty worn out--although this year I bought them at Walmart as opposed to Old Navy and I have to say the Wally world ones are wearing much better!
Ok back to my funk
The disadvantages of having a September birthday date back to when I was in high school and everyone was turning 18 before me and using their OWN ID"S to get into bars--I had to use a fake one of course until I went to KU--and then I didn't even turn 18 until about 6 weeks into the year! Same thing when I was almost 21....
But the advantages have far outweighed the disadvantages: (and I told everyone this when they were all flaunting their ID's in my face)--"Well, when you turn 30-40-50---I will only be 29-39-49!!" Ha
Like everything I shoot my mouth off about, it is biting me in the ass right now....LOL
I am going out to dinner with some girls (who are all 50 already, except for that bitch Teri...LOL) tonight to celebrate--should be a great time! Maybe this is the kick off I need~~
And I am going to have some cocktails.....shoot I don't have a job to "wake up' to--who cares if I'm a tad hungover???
come to the Candle Club tonight if you're in the area and have a drinkie with me....who knows? Maybe you'll be the one to snap me out of my funk! :)

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Apple Pie

My friend, Sarah Beck, owner of Beck's Farm (check it out gave me some apples fresh from the tree on Saturday with one caveat~~ here's how it went:
Sarah: "Nancy, if I give you some apples, will you make me a pie?"
Me: "Sure!"

Not clever bantering, but we got our points across. The recipe can be found in The Dish Diva cookbook--this is the pie that my friend Jim Lee called orgasmic...:) Macintosh apples, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg and butter.....and <snifffff> it's fresh out of the oven~

Also whipped up an apple crisp (with crisp mix from Beck's Farm too) --pictures to follow--I haven't baked it yet!
AND am baking mini brownies to test out this cool pan I found at Big Lots for $ looks like an ice cube tray and make little brownies that ALL have crispy edges.....nom nom nom
I may find out soon enough why this marvelous contraption was $7--or I could've stumbled onto something WAY cool.....Will know in approx  11 min 35 sec....

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Indian Cooking Class

So sorry I've been gone for so long--I've been dreaming up new ways to get The Dish Diva to the masses and dealing with my parents....that would be a whole 'nother blog.....
Why did I foolishly think I would have some time in between the time my kids grew up and my parents would start requiring constant attention??? Lord it's like I've traded 2 teenagers for 2 toddlers--and these toddlers aren't sweet and cuddly EVER! yes I am blessed to have them in my life,,,,,and yes I will miss them terribly when they are gone.....but REALLY.....don't ask for my help if you aren't going to heed it and are literally going to bark at the workers who are trying to make you feel better....Note to my friends: if i EVER start to act like that, shoot me...ok?
Enought about that
I am going to a cooking class tonight that Tanya Tandoc is teaching--Indian cooking! I am excited! I dont cook Indian food--truth be told, I don't eat it I am really stepping outside my box.
It's a Adriene Rathbun's house....she offers some way cool classes~~check out her website

Tonights menu is:
Tanya’s Spicy Indian

We all know Tanya’s got spice for life, so join us as she lights our taste buds on fire!

Chicken Tikka Masala
Saag Paneer
Coconut Chutney
Tamarind Chutney
Being the foodie I am, I shouldn't admit this, but I have NO idea what half that stuff is.....:))
Wish me luck!!
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