Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthday weekend

This week has been very busy with cookie orders, my successful trip to Winfield, a successful book signing at Beck's Peach Farm and my daughter and mothers birthday! Whew! Winfield was a gas-Laura and Matt have a treasure down there~and those Winfield peeps are a hoot! Thanks so much for your hospitality~~
And Beck's Peach Farm--WOW....48 varieties of peaches-5000 trees--Yes 5000--and she'll even give you a peach to sample upon arrival!
My daughter turned 23 this past Friday....(warning: cliche comment coming) Where the He** has the time gone? Just yesterday she was a cherub with curls and pink she's an angel with perfectly coifed hair and pink cheeks:) I do not know where I would be without her....and Michael....he's the one who keeps me I sat in church thanking God for all my blessings, I asked God to lighten up with Michael a bit.....his trials are getting a little tiresome.... but I will endure.....
The more I write, the easier this becomes......not all entries will be witty and funny.....but I will guarantee they will all be heart felt:))

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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Road trip to Winfield

Good morning!
Today I am headed to Winfield for a guest spot at Bradbury Kitchen & Home Cooking Classes. After a very busy week, I look forward to making new friends and hopefully selling a few books! I am anxious to see this business--Wichita hasn't had a decent kitchen store for a while. I am always looking for a reason to a. spend $$ & b. get the heck out of Dodge, so I foresee many trips to Winfield in my future :)

This "blog" thing is going to take some getting used to....the pressure of writing something  witty each time hangs over me like a zepplin....It's like when there's a pot luck event and Calvin doesn't understand the pressure I am under to take something fabulous. I hear them whisper as they're going through the line...."Which dish did she bring?" If it sucks, I am doomed (it never does, but please refer to the pressure anxiety) and if it's wonderful, I sit back and chuckle as people go through the line and stare at the empty dish, wondering what fabulousness they missed.

So please, friends, bear with me as I get the hang of this.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baan Appetit

This morning I shot a piece for Channel 3's segment called "Baan Appetit". I always thought I'd forget my own name if I were ever to be in front of a camera, but it was actually fun! Barbara Baan is so lovely and gracious...she made me feel comfortable and right at home (even though I was in my friend Connie's kitchen because mine is sooo small)
I made the Curried Chicken Salad...everyone loved it! Even the camera man thought is was delish~
The segment will air Thursday, June 3rd -first on their early morning program (this is at like 6AM--so you know I won't be watching that one! hahaha) and then again on their lunch time program (noon)...Set your DVR's~~
If you can't watch it, go to  (on Thursday)-Look at the left side of site and find "Entertainment"--see it? Now click on "Baan Appetit Recipes" ...There I am!!
I hope I don't look like a sweaty bear--I love the wisdom and experience these past 50 years have brought, but not these da*^ hot flashes!! phooey

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Cindy will be happy now

Greetings fellow foodies!

I know I have just joined the 21st century by creating a blog, but I re-watched Julie & Julia for the 12th time and thought...why not? All the talk about blogging these days generally has me confused and frustrated thinking I am missing out on yet another facet of the internet.

I've published a cookbook and the name of it is The Dish Diva. It was sort of like having a baby-a long and painful process and I am learning as I go what to do and how to manage this project!

And like having a baby, people are already asking me "When are you going to write another one"? very best recipes are in the first one....what would I call the sequel? The Dish Diva's 2nd favorite recipes? "These are the ones that didn't make it the into the first cookbook"? I have yet to see someone's sequel cookbook be as good as their first (apart from the Food Network people and even some of them need to give it a rest)

I have no idea where this blog will take me....I used to LOVE to write when I was younger and had the time to do it~back in those days, I actually had a notebook and a "special" pen I liked to kids will laugh when they read this.

Some days I will talk about cooking

Some days I will talk about life

Some days I may even post a cute photo or a funny joke.

Until next time.....


PS...My publicist Cindy will be thrilled to know this is online now.....Love ya Cindy!!
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