Sunday, November 7, 2010

FunkyTown is now without a Mayor!

The Mayor of Funkytown has resigned~I do not know what has been going on with me the past few weeks, but today it's O-fficial--I was so funked I didn't feel like baking cookies to sell at the Holy Cross Bazaar yesterday. And I will do almost anything for a buck !  :))
The bazaar was a great success~they had some competition from the Magdalen holiday market, but for only their second year in existence, it seemed to be well received. I sold lots of  cookbooks and saw some people I haven't seen for years. The vendors at these markets are always sooo nice and helpful...
I am making Chicken Chili for dinner tonight--let's hope it gets cold enough to eat it--we may have to go outside to get "chilly"!
This week I am going on a marketing spree for The Diva. I tried to get a couple of store in Buhler to carry it-Adrian's said she would, but her cookbook is coming out this fall and.....I totally understand. Then I went into a salon/gift shop that was cute and funky, but they said they weren't interested...Bah Humbug....but this will not get me down. Even if no other cities than Wichita and Winfield carry my book, I have conquered my biggest fear: Approaching strangers and trying to sell them something. Joke 'em if they can't take a _ _ _ _ (you fill in the lines)
Speaking of Buhler, my new bff Tara (a/k/a Louise--or Thelma depending on the day) and I went to this thriving metropolis on Friday and had a blast!! We ate at Lavonns and I'm telling you it was the best lunch I've had in a long time~veronikas with ham gravy (yummy!) , sausage (yummy!) ,bierock (yummy!) , party potatoes (yummy!) and 3...YES 3 kinds of pie (chocolate cream, coconut cream and berry) YUM YUM and YUM
I had to bring 3/4 of it home but it was divine!!! And as soon as we entered the restaurant, the cook started giving us attitude--it just added more spice to the meal. :) They were very gracious hosts and were delightful to talk to.
For the rest of the day we drove around Doodah looking for fabulous estate sales (there were none) and belting out disco tunes from Syrius radio. I said I would NEVER pay for radio, but Friday almost changed my mind. The tunes were amazing~

I'm off to tend the chili....oh how I love fall

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1 comment:

  1. The blog looks great Nancy! What a great way for people to keep up with you and your creations.
